Food and Fund Drives
By holding a food drive with your friends, family, or coworkers, you can help ensure that we receive and distribute the foods hungry people in our community need most. Contact The Evanston Hungry Children Backpack Program for support and materials, including posters and collection boxes.
The BackPack Programâ„¢ requires very specific, kid-friendly foods!
Most-needed food items in individual portions :
Cups of pasta, soups, spaghetti, ravioli, mac and cheese, noodles, instant potatoes
Hormel Completes of any variety
Single serve vegetables and fruits
Single serve cereals, oatmeal, pop-tarts, breakfast bars, granola bars, and muffins
Single serve snacks such as cookies, crackers, and fruit snacks
Note: Perishable, homemade, home-canned items, peanut butter or products containing peanuts or peanut oil, and liquids can not be accepted.